“Santa Maria” is a neighborhood in the town of Macomer, a small city in the northwest of Sardinia; the area is characterized by a rural economy. It is an area of strong tourist attraction.
Our partners in the Clean Cultures project are the cooperatives “Soluzioni professionali” and “Progetto H”, two social cooperatives which has been operating since 1983 with various types of projects in the city of Macomer. “Soluzioni professionali” and “Progetto H” is engaged in projects ranging in different sectors with the common goal of providing the population with support for relationships and growth opportunities for people. Some examples:
– Summer camp for children
– HUB restaurant for the qualification of an abandoned urban space
– “Social garden” to encourage young people to start working
– Orientation (“open days“) for students and meeting with local firms and businesses
– Facilitating access to the civil service (dissemination of calls and tutoring for novices)