An approach for innovative Climate Learning, Evaluation and Action in Neighbourhoods – CLEANcultures
Bottom-up initiatives by individuals and communities are essential to increase acceptance of, and engagement in climate related actions. Yet, conventional strategies addressing these groups often fail to provoke a change in perspectives and actions. CLEANcultures investigates how broadening the perspective at a systemic micro-level triggers action, and how this kind of transformative learning encourages political bottom-up driven decisions.
At the core of our approach, we use cases in different countries and contexts to explore how, at neighborhood level, new perspectives and solutions for existing local climate-relevant problems can be developed via novel learning and exchange processes. We set unusual, creative thematic intervention impulses to provide neighborhoods not only with facts but to trigger their emotions and attitudes, and stimulate the co-creation of cultures/narratives of change. This learning process at micro level allows a better understanding of small-scale societal systems dynamics, in terms of climate change awareness, empowerment and decision making in transforming processes. On meso- and macro-levels the project produces a generic transferable methodology for stimulating such processes in other neighborhoods; and a set of recommendations for climate policy-making.
CLEANcultures consortium unites broad scientific competences, within Social Sciences and Humanities but also from technical disciplines. The team is composed of sociologists, environmental/social psychologists, economists, process engineers and environmental scientists from JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (coordinator, Austria), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and University Roma Tre (Italy). The project is funded in JPI Climate joint transnational call SOLSTICE (Enabling Societal Transformation in the Face of Climate Change).
- CLEANcultures events completed in August 2024!
- CLEANcultures team active in numerous conferences during summer 2024
- Article on lifestyles published (June 12th, 2024)
- Neighbourhood Case Analysis published (December 8th, 2023)